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Breakfast Casserole & Tomatillo Salsa

Breakfast Casserole & Tomatillo Salsa

I had some folks ask about the breakfast casserole and tomatillo salsa I shared a pic of the other day…so I thought I would share the recipes.  I will never pretend that I sit at home and make up recipes…I am not that creative! However, I love food, and I can follow a great recipe. I am that bold friend who eats a great meal at your house and asks for the recipe at the end. If someone asks me for a recipe of something they’ve eaten at our home I consider it a compliment and can’t wait to share! I hope you feel the same.

The tomatillo salsa recipe is a perfect example of that….we had a fabulous meal at a friend’s house in Las Vegas a while back and he put this salsa on the steaks we ate! Oh my gosh….I wanted to lick the plate I loved it so much.  I make this often because it is completely made of vegetables, it’s simple and easy to make and it tastes great on everything! I put it on eggs, chicken, beef, tacos and anything else I can think of.

I have never been a huge casserole gal, and then I moved to the south. The casserole is a staple, and I have come to love the simplicity of them…especially for breakfast. We try to minimize carbs so I have simply modified several recipes to make one I enjoy…full of veggies, proteins and nutrients…so I love to make one at the beginning of the week and enjoy it all week long. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel here and am not sharing the worlds best or brilliant casserole…just sharing what I make a few times a month for the folks who asked. 

Tomatillo Avocado Salsa is from and is wonderful. You can go to their website and print it off from them, or just read the directions below. 

1 pound tomatillos, husk removed

1 jalapeno, seeds removed if you want it mild, I usually leave about half of the seeds

1 bunch of cilantro (big handful)

1 medium onion

2 garlic cloves (I use the pre-chopped bottled garlic and do two squeezes)

1 avocado

1 lime (the recipe calls for one, but I like two)

1 teaspoon of salt

Add these ingredients to your blender and blend until it is a smooth salsa consistency. According to it keeps in the fridge for two weeks, but I wouldn’t know because it doesn’t last that long in our house.  

Veggie, Egg & Sausage Breakfast Casserole


Veggies: I use whatever we love, and whatever we have…but here is an example of what typically goes in ours.

1 red pepper, 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 16 ounces of spinach, two small cans or one larger can of green chilis ( we also add mushrooms & green pepper too if we have it.


16 ounces of turkey sausage…but you can use whatever your family enjoys. 


12 eggs


1 tbsp of butter or whatever oil your family prefers for sautéing veggies


1/2 cup milk ( I have used almond milk and regular milk)

16 ounces of cheese 


Salt & Pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 350 before you begin combining and prepping the following ingredients.

In one pan cook up your sausage.

In another pan dice and sauté your onion, peppers & garlic. When those are nearly cooked add your chopped spinach ( I use fresh spinach but drained and thawed frozen spinach would work well too). 

In a separate bowl add your eggs, green chilis, milk, salt and pepper.

Spray your 8x13 pan, spread the cooked sausage in the bottom of the pan, then spread your cooked veggies over the sausage. Next, pour your egg mixture over, covering the sausage and veggies. Finally, before putting it in the oven sprinkle your shredded cheese over the top. 

Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, keeping your eye on it after 20 minutes. Once the cheese is browned and the center is firm your casserole is ready.  

Hope you enjoy these if you try them! 

I teared up twice yesterday…at parades.

I teared up twice yesterday…at parades.

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