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I teared up twice yesterday…at parades.

I teared up twice yesterday…at parades.


On my way home from the store, I drove into our neighborhood and stumbled into a long brigade of cars. They were decorated with signs, balloons and streamers. There were women and men waving, honking and flashing their lights. It took me a moment to understand what was happening, but it quickly dawned on me that these were the teachers of our local school parading through the community telling their students that they missed them. Kids were on their lawns waving back, waving signs they had made and cheering for their teachers. It was beautiful and heartbreaking all at once. I couldn’t help but tear up. The distance was palpable…this break from our reality was so starkly before my eyes. Children in their homes, where they’ve been for more than a month, and teachers making a bold statement to them and the world that they’re  longing for the meaningful interactions of their classrooms. I loved it.


Later in the day I was actually in a parade and teared up again. My friend’s husband has just discovered his cancer is back again so someone had the thoughtful and brilliant idea to show him and his family how loved they are by organizing a literal parade of encouragement . I knew the parade was happening for a few days, so I decided that someone in my family was going to have to drive me in my car so that I could stand up out of my sunroof to wave my sign for my friend. I recall being a ridiculous teenager and standing up out of sunroof of one of my friends cars while driving down a hill once, and I told myself I would do the same thing in this new strange season of life. If we can’t hug our people, or invite them to dinner, then I wanted to do something that felt a tiny bit bold to show how much my heart aches for their struggle and how proud I am of their tenacious approach to life. 

I want much of this quarantine life to go away soon, but I have also learned there are some things I have come to enjoy. For instance, I’ve learned I don’t mind cooking dinner nearly as much when I haven’t been running around doing a million tasks all day.I have also affirmed my long held belief that “busy” doesn’t necessarily mean productive.  And yesterday, I realized  I like the parade. I like what it symbolizes. I don’t want to go back to a time where the only time we line up in our cars is for a funeral procession, I want to continue to celebrate and demonstrate love for one another while we live. There is something powerful about simply showing up and sharing your heart…like the teachers did yesterday in my neighborhood and how friends, colleagues and family showed up for a man facing another battle with cancer. 

I hope each of us has found some things they want to hold onto throughout this wild virus journey. What a shame it would be if we didn’t come out of this without a better perspective about what matters and what doesn’t in our day to day lives.

A Beautiful Moment...In The Midst Of This Pandemic

A Beautiful Moment...In The Midst Of This Pandemic

Breakfast Casserole & Tomatillo Salsa

Breakfast Casserole & Tomatillo Salsa